Friday 6 May 2022

Class 10

 Class10 IT all chapter answer including emplobility skill

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Thursday 17 June 2021

CH – 4 Electronic spreadsheet question /answer


CH – 4   Electronic spreadsheet

Fill in the blanks

1.The column immediately next to column “Z” is    __AA___.

2 .The  default extension of a workbook created using a  Libre Office Calc spreadsheet is __.ods__

3. The spreadsheet feature used to continue the series is called as  fill handle .

4. The  formula “=MIN(C1:C5)” stored in cell C6 when copied to cell D6 changes to =MIN(D1:D5)__

5. The formula in cell A2 is =B2+C3. On copying this formula to cell C2, C2 will change to_=D2+E3 .

6. The  cell address of the cell formed by the intersection of the ninth column and the eighth row will be _i8_.

7. $A1$B2 is an example of _Mixed_____ referencing in spreadsheet software.

8.Numbers  entered into a cell are automatically _right____ aligned.

9.If A1:A5 contain the numbers 16, 10, 3, 25 and 6 then =Average(A1:A5;60) will display _20___.

10.In _relative_____referencing, the reference changes rows and columns automatically when it is copied to a new cell.

B . State whether the following statements are True or False    

1.A cell is a combination of row and column. FALSE

2.A spreadsheet is also called as worksheet.TRUE

3.There are ‘n’ number of sheets in a spreadsheet. FALSE

4.In a spreadsheet, we can change the column width and row height.TRUE

5.$A1$B2 is an example of mixed referencing.TRUE

C. Solve the following in a spreadsheet

1.Cell A1 contains the number 10 and B1 contains 5. What will be the contents of cell C1, if the formula =A1+B1*2^3 is entered in cell C1? =A1 +B1*2^3   , =10 +5*8, = 10 +40, =50

2.The contents of Cell A1, B1, C1 and D1 are 5, –25, 30 and –35, respectively. What will be the value displayed in cell E1 which contains the formula =MIN(A1:D1).  (-35)

3.Cell D5 contains the formula =$B$5+C5 and this formula is copied to cell E5, what will be the copied formula in cell E5? =$B$5 + D5

4.Cell D5 contains the formula =$B5 + C5 and this formula is copied to cell E5, what will be the copied formula in cell E5? =$B5 + D5

5.Cell D5 contains the formula =$B5 + C$5 and this formula is copied to cell E6, what will be the copied formula in cell E6? $B6 + D$5


1.What is the default name of the worksheet? How can it be renamed

Ans – the default name of the worksheet is  Sheet 1 , Sheet2 , Sheet3 …..etc.

Steps to rename a sheet ( worksheet ):-

Step1 select the menu ‘sheet’.

Step2  now click on option rename sheet

Step3 → A  dialog box will appear . Give a appropriate name to worksheet  and click ‘ok’.

2.What is an active cell? How to delete the contents of an active cell?

Ans- when we position the mouse cursor on a cell , it gets selected , and  is  ready to take data from the user . This selected or activated cell is called as active cell .

To delete the content of an active cell .

Step1→ right click on active cell.

Step2 →click on  ‘ clear content ‘ option or press backspace.

Step3 → A dialog box will appear choose whether you want to delete all or particular text ,number  etc.

Step4 → click on 'OK' the content will be deleted from an active cell.

 3. What is relative and absolute cell address in the spreadsheet?

Ans – relative cell reference – a relative cell reference of a cell address in a formula means that when the formula is copied to any other worksheet cell ,  the cell addresses in the formula automatically changes according to their position relative to the cell containing the formula .

For eg - if a formula = B4*C1 in a cell address C4  is  copied into the cells C5 ,then the cell of the formula will change to = B5 * C5 .

Absolute  cell reference – An absolute cell reference of a cell address  in  formula means  that when the formula is copied to any other worksheet cell , the  cell  address in the formula do not change according to their position relative to the cell containing  the formula . To make a cell  address absolute dollar sign ($) is used before the column name as well as row number to make it constant in any  formula .

4.Write the steps to insert a chart in Calc

Ans – following are the steps to insert a chart in calc :-

Step1 → select the range of data .

Step 2  → click on insert tab .

Step3 → Now , click on ‘chart’  option

Step4 → select the type of chart you want to insert

Step 5 → click on finish , chart will be inserted .

5 .Can you include more than one mathematical operators in a formula?

Ans- yes, we Can include more than one mathematical operators in a formula .






Tuesday 8 June 2021

viva voice ch 1 IT class 9 , viva ques


Viva voice

Important ques asked in IT viva

Ch- 1 introduction to IT and ITes Industry

Full form of

ECG  -Electrocardiogram machine

EEG- elctro – encephalography machine

MRI – magnetic resonance machine

CAT – computerized axial tomography machine

CAD/CAM – computer aided design / computer aided manufacturing

PIN – personal identification number

LMS – learning management system

Ques 1 – what do you understand by BPO ( business process outsourcing )

Ans – BPO service means performing business through an outside service provider .

Ques 2 – what is the other name of ITes ?

Ans –  Web enabled service or remote service

 Ques 3 – define E- commerce ?

Ans – business  tansaction that happen through internet .







Monday 7 June 2021

Extra Ques Ans Of Ch 3 Digital Documentation


Extra Ques Ans Of Ch 3 Digital Documentation

Ques 1 – what are the limitation of tupewriter ?

Ans – *In case of any typing error , the whole sheet is reguired to be typed again.

*To send same letter to two or more person with different addresses require multiple typing efforts.

*Typewriter does not have all the required characters or symbols. It is not possible to type all the character using the typewriter.

Ques2 – Explain the various changing text case of writer?

Ans-There are six change case option in libre office writer

·         UPPERCASE:-It will change all the alphabets of selected text in uppercase

·         LOWERCASE:- It will change all the alphabets of selected text in lowercase

·         CYCLECASE:-It will apply uppercase ,lowercase ,sentence case and capitalize every word all one by one and the shortcut key for it is shift+F3

·         SENTENCE CASE:-It will apply sentence case in selected text and the starting letter of selected sentence will be in capital.

·         CAPITALLIZE EVERY WORD CASE:-It will capitalize the first alphabet of every word in your slected text.

·         TOGGLE CASE:-It changes all the lowercase alphabet or text in uppercase and uppercase in lower case.

Ques3-What is the significance of header/footer?How can you insert header and footer in document?

Ans-In multi page document it become necessary to add header and footer to the document for more readability.We can give the document the name or chapter name,topic etc in the header section and page no. in the footer section. 

We can insert header and footer by the following step

            step1- Click on the insert tab. 

            step2-  Now click on the header and footer option 

      step3-  Clicking on header option the header will be added to your document.

             step4 -  To add footer repeat step 1 and 2 after that click on footer option the footer will be inserted in your document.

Ques4-What are non printing character?

Ans-In computer data entry, anything  that can be entered is treated as a character .We can see the character like alphabet, number, punctuation mark on the computer screen but when you press keys like enter, spacebar and tab key they do not appear on the screen ,we are actually entering these character in document and these are only know as non printing characters.

Ques 5- Explain the print preview dialog box?

Ans – To print the document with certain options , we can use the print dialog option (File –Print or Ctrl + P)

It will show a print preview dialog box by which we can se how the document will look like when it will be printed and it contains various option to change the layout , fix the number of pages to be printed etc as per your requirement before printing we can choose the printer which we want [ if your computer is connected to multiple printer .]

From range and copies option we can select the pages  we want to print as if we want to print all pages, click on all pages option, we can print the even  pages /odd pages from even/odd pages option .We can print selected text from selection option . We can set the number of copies we want by default it is  1 only . From page layout we can set page size , orientation , order etc when our document is ready we can click on ‘OK’ button.

Ques 6 Name any three word processing  software other than MS – word ?

Ans – Libre office – writer , wordstar, open office writer ,google docs .

 Ques 7 – What is the difference between cut paste and copy paste ?

Ans – CUT AND PASTE – It is used to move selected text from one place to another .

COPY AND PASTE – It is used to make a duplicate with other text.


Class 10

  Class10 IT all chapter answer including emplobility skill Soon will made available to alll stay tuned.........